If your year could talk, what would it say?

There’s a lot of pressure to measure our time in terms of achievements. The pressure comes from many – your employer, business targets, society, and last but not least, from ourselves.

A holistic review of your year can prepare you for the one ahead

There’s something symbolic about wrapping up a year by reviewing it holistically. It can help you be at peace with the things that didn’t happen; refocus on a long-term goal and reframe failures into learnings. More importantly, it’s an opportunity to celebrate achievements, however small. The end of the year is a great opportunity to close a chapter, create a Wow! list and pat yourself on the back.

I invite you to find some solo time during December to ponder your year and hear what it has to say. Make a cuppa, get hyggelig, grab a pen and answer the following:

Summarise your year in:

  • three words

  • an image

  • a metaphor

Choose an area of your life you would like to review

For example, career, family life, social life, finances, your business. Feel free to review one area at a time or do a general review. Now answer the following:

  • What are you mega proud of?

  • What have you created that has made a difference? (to whom?)

  • When did you step outside your comfort zone?

  • What superpowers have you (further) developed this year?

  • Who has helped you and been there for you?

  • Who have you helped and been there for?

  • How have you become more resilient?


  • What achievement(s) make you feel fabulous?

  • What didn’t go according to plan?

  • What did you learn or take away from this experience (these experiences)?


  • How have you prioritized your health and wellbeing this year?

  • What is on your ‘at my best’ minimum list?

  • What would you like to do more of?

Personal growth and competence development

What have you learned this year? List your new professional, personal and social skills.

Practically (tangible results)

  • What results have you tracked in terms of numbers?

As a small business owner, I have added further questions that might resonate with you:

  • What measurements are significant to your (business) growth? For example, SoMe activities, new clients and revenue generated, etc.)

  • How have you increased your visibility?

  • List important KPIs you met.

How have you spent your time?

Time is man’s most precious commodity and one we never have enough of. Create your own headings that resonate with you. Your list will help you refocus how you might want to spend your time differently in the new year.

Reflect on the story you are telling

Life is a journey, and we encounter many transitions. Sometimes we choose them (a new job, a move to a new country, marriage). Sometimes we don’t (redundancy, divorce). Each transition creates a new story. Your story can motivate, inspire and encourage others. Your story can support you in reaching your goals. Yet it can also keep you stuck. What transitions have you experienced this year?  And what story are you telling?

“Your beliefs become your thoughts,
Your thoughts become your words,
Your words become your actions,
Your actions become your habits,
Your habits become your values,
Your values become your destiny.” 


Good luck! Please do share any successes or other ways of reviewing your year.

Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash